Count Name Created
837 PACIS VOC 1.4 | What does peace mean to you? Mar 16, 2021 13:24
1407 HUNTER VOC 1.4 | What does peace mean to you? Mar 16, 2021 13:21
1496 HITS VOC 1.4 | What does peace mean to you? Mar 16, 2021 13:14
1291 BABA VOC 1.4 | What does peace mean to you? Mar 16, 2021 13:12
1441 WA ASF 1.3 | Why are land wrangles still so rampant in post conflict areas? Jan 30, 2021 07:32
1766 MEGA ASF 1.3 | Why are land wrangles still so rampant in post conflict areas? Jan 30, 2021 07:31
1064 PACIS ASF 1.3 | Why are land wrangles still so rampant in post conflict areas? Jan 30, 2021 07:31
1093 PACIS ASF 1.2 | Which reparations programme would be most effective for victims of conflict and war? Jan 08, 2021 11:43
1064 WA ASF 1.2 | Which reparations programme would be most effective for victims of conflict and war? Jan 08, 2021 11:42
1370 MEGA ASF 1.2 | Which reparations programme would be most effective for victims of conflict and war? Jan 08, 2021 11:37
394 PACIS ASF 1.1 | What should the government emphasise in the implementation of the National Transitional Justice policy? Dec 31, 2020 19:38
874 MEGA ASF 1.1 | What should the government emphasise in the implementation of the National Transitional Justice policy? Dec 31, 2020 19:32
869 WA ASF 1.1 | What should the government emphasise in the implementation of the National Transitional Justice policy? Dec 31, 2020 19:23
1673 SIMBA HEPS 3.6 | How do you feel about the government’s plan to introduce sexuality education in schools? Dec 11, 2020 13:05
1060 Jubilee - Wottazela 5.0 1.2 | Which of the following is in most urgent need of better water, sanitation & hygiene services? Dec 09, 2020 01:22
1198 SIMBA HEPS 3.5 | When is the appropriate time to talk to young people about sexuality education? Dec 07, 2020 15:30
810 Jubilee - Wottazela 5.0 1.1 | Which of the following services does your district need most? Nov 23, 2020 12:09
1193 SIMBA VOC 1.3 | Over the past 5 years, which Government representative has responded to your needs most? Nov 15, 2020 05:46
1565 DELTA VOC 1.3 | Over the past 5 years, which Government representative has responded to your needs most? Nov 15, 2020 05:44
1293 WA VOC 1.3 | Over the past 5 years, which Government representative has responded to your needs most? Nov 15, 2020 05:42
1418 MEGA VOC 1.3 | Over the past 5 years, which Government representative has responded to your needs most? Nov 15, 2020 05:40
971 PACIS VOC 1.3 | Over the past 5 years, which Government representative has responded to your needs most? Nov 15, 2020 05:36
1465 HUNTER VOC 1.3 | Over the past 5 years, which Government representative has responded to your needs most? Nov 15, 2020 05:34
1123 HITS VOC 1.3 | Over the past 5 years, which Government representative has responded to your needs most? Nov 15, 2020 05:31
1108 BABA VOC 1.3 | Over the past 5 years, which Government representative has responded to your needs most? Nov 15, 2020 05:29
Results 301-325 of 2555