Do you know where to go to register for your national Identity card?
The mass registration of citizens for issuance of
national identity cards kicked off last week but in some places there
are still hardships.
For instance in Kyenjojo, the exercise was a
total flop. The district registrar, Mr Kenneth Kayabwe, said they
lacked some of the required kits, thus the failure to kick off.
In Kabale, dozens of residents were turned away for presenting baptism cards instead of birth certificates.
West Nile, the exercise registered a dismal turn up on the first day,
with some people claiming they were not aware of the requirements they
needed to register.
“If you don’t register for national ID, you
will not be allowed to enter the market, bus and Church and even taking
your child for Universal Primary Education (UPE) you will be required to
produce national identity card and we are determined by 2017,” Gen.
Aronda warned.
The first phase of the mass enrollment exercise is
targeting 18 million people aged 16 years and above at parish and
village levels.
People who have lived in Uganda for more than 10
years and they want to become citizens are also encouraged to register
for National IDs.
National IDs are expected to reduce crime
through quick and reliable identification of criminals and enable proper
planning and easy access to social services among other benefits.
The Electoral Commission will use the same national ID register to issue people with voters’ cards in two years’ time.
Do you know where to go to register for your national Identity card?
Go to messages on your phone and type in DELTA followed by name of your DISTRICT and either A. YES or B. NO. Send your message to 8585 - Totally FREE of charge.
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