This Thursday Feb 13th is World Radio Day. All over the world, radio stations are hosting special shows to celebrate the importance of FM radio. TRAC FM joins the celebrations by running a special Radio Day poll across Uganda. Over 6000 Ugandans participated!
Trac FM is conducting weekly polls in Uganda on social issues and services delivery. This program is supported by Twaweza. Twaweza works on enabling children to learn, citizens to exercise agency and governments to be more open and responsive in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda.
TRAC FM joined hands with WWF’s Earth Hour and Text to Change to combine mobile technology and radio to address the impact of this major environmental problem.
TRAC FM works with community radio stations in Uganda to carry out polls to establish people’s perception about the transport sector and to look for bottlenecks in the road-network.
Trac FM has carried out several polls on the embattled National Agricultural Advisory Services in Uganda. We also have a substantial body of data on public reports and opinions from farmers on agriculture in their regions.
Women, children, the elderly and the disabled are some of the marginalized groups in Uganda's society today. While much has been done since the NRM government came into power-there are provisions for women representatives in parliament, and more children have access to education-there is still a lot of ground to cover regarding their rights and livelihoods.