Why is corruption still rampant in Uganda?
The World Happiness report 2015 released last week ranked Uganda among the 20 unhappiest countries in the world. The survey which was sponsored by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network required respondents in each country to rate their quality of life based on several standards which included life expectancy, GDP per capita, social support, and freedom to make choices, perception of corruption, among others.
From the survey results, corruption in particular was one of the areas that caused Ugandans the most distress and continues to remain prevalent. This comes in the same week reports had emerged that officials within the Police investigations department had taken bribes to cover up the NSSF scam where the civil service pension scheme lost billions through malpractice by its managers.
Why is corruption still rampant in Uganda?
A. Increased poverty. Ugandans to be more easily corrupted because of limited opportunity and money.
B. The punishments for corruption are not strong enough.
C. The system itself is corrupt. The judicial and enforcement organs are compromised.
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