This poll has completed. It ran from Dec. 27, 2017, 3:33 p.m. through Jan. 16, 2018, 9:54 a.m.

HCTV BBC 1.9: Sidee loo ilaalin karaa hantida guud ee qaranka loona ciribtiri karaa musumaasuqa


Hanti dhowraha guud ee Somaliland ayaa u xil saran in uu ka hortago boobka hantida qaranka iyo arimaha musumaasuqa, uuna haqiijiyo in hantida qaranka si wanaagsan loo isticmaalay.. Laakin waxaay dadku waliba sii hadal hayaan arimaha musuqa ee kajira dalka.

Sidee loo ilaalin karaa hantida guud ee qaranka loona ciribtiri karaa musumaasuqa
A. In masuulinyiinta marka hore eey xilka qabanayaan iyo marka ay wareinaaynba la ogaado hantidooda
B. In kormeer joogta ah lagusameeyo hantida qaranka
C. In madaxda iyo shaqaalaha hantidhowrka guud ay daacad u noqdaan ilaalinta hantida qaranka
D. In ganaax xooggan lasaro cidii hantida qaranka boobta.
Qaabka Jawaabta 
Waxaad tagtaa qeybta fariinta telefonkaaga , qor QANCI, in yar u banee, ka dibna qor mid ka mid ah jawaabta A, B, C ama D, deedna ku dir nambarka 343. Fariintu waa lacag la'an.  

English Version


How can corruption be reduced and public resources be efficiently used?

The Somaliland national auditor is tasked with ensuring national assets are used properly and report financial improprieties. However, the issue in many people’s mind is still on corruption despite the creation of bodies to fight it.

A. Both elected and appointed leaders to declare their wealth before assuming office and after leaving
B. There should continuous oversight on use of public resources
C. Leaders and other officials of the national audit team be committed to the fight against corruption and misuse of public resources.
D. There should stiff penalties for corrupt officials

Go to messages on your phone, type QANCI (space) then select one of the answers A, B, C or D then send to 343. This message is free of charge.



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