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This poll has completed. It ran from Jan. 16, 2018, 9:55 a.m. through March 19, 2018, 4:59 p.m.
HCTV BBC 2.0: Warbaahinta teebaad ugu kalsoontahay?
Inkasta oo xuriyadda saxaafada ay kajiirta Somaliland, haddana waxaa dhacda in mararka qaarkood suxufiyuntu labartilmaamedsado. Dhamaadkii sanadkii hore ayaa suxufi laguxumay 18-bilood oo xadhig ah. Sidoo kale, badi suxufiyiyiinta kahowl gala Somaliland ayaa ah kuwa aan aqoon weyn u laheen howl galka iyo dhaqanka warbaahinta mararka qaarna waxaa dhacda in ay sameyaan warar been abuur ah.
Warbaahinta teebaad ugu kalsoontahay?
A. WargeysyadaQaabka Jawaabta
B. Raadiyaha iyo TV’ga
C. Wararka saaxibada iyo qaraabada an kahelo
D. Baraha bulshada sida facebook
Waxaad tagtaa qeybta fariinta telefonkaaga , qor QANCI, in yar u banee, ka dibna qor mid ka mid ah jawaabta A, B, C ama D, deedna ku dir nambarka 343. Fariintu waa lacag la'an.
English Version
Which source of information do you trust most?
Although Somaliland is ranked as partially free when it comes to press freedom, still it isn’t guaranteed. The radio airwaves are tightly controlled by the government. The national broadcaster- Radio Hargeisa is only allowed to operate in Somaliland. Late 2017, a journalist was jailed for 18 months for charges of defamation and publishing false news. On the other hand, many journalists in Somaliland lack formal education in media and are often involved in what is considered unethical journalism with a huge increase in fake news emanating from journalists.
Which source of information do you trust most?
Which source of information do you trust most?
A: NewspapersInstructions
B: Radio and TV
C: Relatives and friends
D: Social media like facebook
Go to messages on your phone, type QANCI (space) then select one of the answers A, B, C or D then send to 343. This message is free of charge.