What do you think is likely to influence your decision to choose a particular school in your area?
New Year 2013. The year 2012 ended on a positive note with most of you
resolving to improve education as a way to change the lifestyle in your
Sub Counties( ie by making sure all children went to school)
the year has began with many challenges which include among others the
decision to choose a particular school.Many adverts are running on the
media to woe parents and students to make their choices.
What do you think is likely to influence your decision to choose a particular school in your area?
A- Accessibility (in terms of costs etc)
B- Safety(where the life of the child is not at risk)
C- Social amenities( where the school is equipped with a bus etc)
D- Foundation body( Private, Government or NGO founded)
to messages on your phone - Type WA followed by the name of your
sub-county and either A, B, C, or D and send to 8585. This service is
FREE of charge. Only your first
vote will be counted for the poll.