In your sub-county, how would you rate the performance of the LC courts at bringing stability in the community?
local courts play an important part in the settlement of disputes of the
majority of the ordinary population. The main thrust of the law governing the
operation of the Local Courts is the administration of customary law. In
reality the Local Courts are the focal point of varied societal claims.
It can
be safely asserted that Local Courts are the clearing grounds for simple torts,
contracts, and petty crimes. The effective handling of these disputes and their
fair and just resolution assure stability in the community. There is no uniform
formal educational qualification for adjudicators of local courts.
The hearings are often done in fluent local
some of the lower courts have been abused and affecting the general social,
economic and political rights and freedom of the individual or community.
In your sub-county, how would you rate the performance of the LC courts at bringing stability in the community?
Go to messages on your phone type WA followed by your SUB-COUNTRY NAME and either GOOD, AVERAGE or BAD and send to 8585 .. free!
results of this poll question show views and opinions of the listeners
of Radio WA who texted in during a live radio talk-show answering the
above question.
Geo-mapped data