Which of the following do you think would be key for the prosperity of vision 2040 in your sub-county?
This Vision Framework provides plans and strategies to operationalize the Ugandan vision. The vision 2040 will transform Ugandan society from a peasant to a modern and prosperous country within 30 years”.
It aims at transforming Uganda from a predominantly peasant and low
income country to a competitive upper middle income country with per
capita income of about UGX 25 million.
Which of the following do you think would be key for the prosperity of vision 2040 in your sub-county?
A. Cotton Marketing Board
B. Dairy Cooperation
C. Coffee Marketing Board
D. Uganda Railways Corporation
E. Cooperative Union
Go to messages on your phone type in WA
followed by name of your SUB-COUNTY and either A, B, C, D or E and send to 8585.
FREE of charge
Only your first vote will be added to this poll. Keep listening to this program for poll results!
The results of this poll question show views and opinions of the listeners of Radio WA who texted in during a live radio talk-show answering the above question.
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