How would you describe the accountability process at your sub-county's Saccos cooperative? Good, average or bad
This poll is part of the NAADS in Uganda campaign.Newsline: A new report indicates that many Savings and Credit cooperative societies (Saccos) funded by the government in Northern Uganda are on the verge of collapse due to irregular accountability.
Most of the senior managers of the societies prefer operating without meetings so that their members are left ignorant of the financial misappropiations.
Question: How would you describe the accountability process at your sub-county's Saccos cooperative?: Good, average or bad
Instruction: Send WA followed by the NAME OF YOUR SUB-COUNTY, followed by GOOD, AVERAGE or BAD and send to 8585. Only your first reply will be counted for this poll. Sending your response is FREE of charge! Question is meant for people involved in a Saccos cooperative!
NOTE to Presenter: Please repeat the results of the previous poll on RDC's. Go to polls and click on the RDC poll. You do not have to end the poll when you are done.
Geo-mapped data