Which of the following best describes how peasant farmers benefited from the NAADs program in the Rwenzori region?
is a program of the government of Uganda put in place to increase the
efficiency and effectiveness of agricultural extension service.
targets the poor subsistence farmers, with emphasis to women, youth and
people with disabilities. Its development goal is to enhance rural
livelihoods by increasing agricultural productivity and profitability in
a sustainable manner.
According to the results of a poll question we did a few months ago, 32% of the respondents said that Peasant farmers were among the people who benefited most from the NAADs program.
Which of the following best describes how peasant farmers benefited from the NAADs program in the Rwenzori region?
A. Improved farming skills
B. Expanded farmer groups/ networks
C. Farm equipment like seeds, hoes
D. Increased farm yields/ harvest
E. I did not benefit from NAADs
F. Other (Specify)
to messages on your phone type in LIFE followed by either A, B, C, D, E or F and send this to 8585. FREE of charge.
Only your first vote will be added to this poll. Keep listening to this program for poll results!
The results of this poll question show views and opinions of the listeners of LIFE FM who texted in during a live radio talk-show answering the above question.