Why is Vitamin A important in the human body? - KBS
In episode 22, we saw how Florence has found a
helper, a companion and a close friend in Nora. We carried out an
investigation through the poll and realized that (read the result). In
episode 22, our story ended when Florence was telling Nora that despite
of all the pain Rolland is giving him, she still needs him. Hope Rolland
does not disappoint her in episode 23.
After the drama
is still the same; yesterday, today and maybe forever. But we should
pray for Florence. Away from that, this episode brings the first farmer
of orange sweet potato in this village, Nora in direct contact with
Esteri the local council leader. Esteri had the opportunity to get
first class information on orange sweet potato and Vitamin A. if you
have been following this story; vitamin A and orange sweet potato are
not new to you now.
Poll Question
Why is Vitamin A important in the human body?
I think it boosts
immunity and is good for growth and development.
I know it’s good
for health but I don’t know why
Not yet; I still
don’t understand.