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This poll has completed. It ran from Sept. 22, 2011, 6:22 a.m. through Sept. 29, 2011, 6:30 a.m.
At you sub-counties local health facility, what is the biggest problem with the medical staff?
This poll is part of the The Health Sector campaign.
Background: Based on the poll results we did 2 weeks ago,
the biggest issue with healthcare is the quality of medical personnel (39%
voted for this). This weeks poll is about the problems with medical staff.
Question: At you sub-counties local health facility,
what is the biggest problem with the medical staff?
A. Absenteeism
B. They ask for additional kick-backs for
medical service
C. Professionalism / no good care for patients
D. No problem, they do a good job
Instruction: To respond to this question send in: WA followed by the name of your sub-county and followed by either A, B, C or D
Results by location
No responses for:
Ayer (kole),
Inomo (apac),
Otwal (oyam)
Geo-mapped data