Serious Citizen; Women's Economic Empowerment -Poll 2

How are women involved in critical financial decision-making?

47% -Women can suggest but men decide
31% -Women have an equal say as men
14% - Women have no say
8% - Women have a dominant say

In most households in Uganda, men are still the main breadwinners. According to UBoS, women contribute more through unpaid work like caring for children, and the elderly, cooking, and household work.

.Poll 1 of this report shows some husbands are reluctant to support their wives in gaining financial independence. This limits women's ability to affect important financial household decisions like buying or selling land, cattle, or investments in household technology. Another study suggests that women generally place a higher premium on welfare-related goals and are more likely to use their influence and the resources they control to promote the needs of the family, particularly children.

 Poll results confirm findings from a recent UWONET report; Customarily , men hold most privileges in the family which include distribution of resources and financial decision-making powers. Compared to global statistics, relatively few women lead in financial decision-making. There were no significant differences in responses to the polls between rural and urban respondents.
