TRAC FM, in partnership with CABI, is launching an interactive radio campaign to raise awareness and promote effective management strategies for the mango mealybug, an invasive pest threatening fruit crops across Uganda.
Freedom of expression is essential for democratic governance, allowing individuals to share ideas, opinions, and criticisms freely. It supports informed citizen participation and holds governments accountable. In Uganda, despite constitutional and international protections, practical challenges hinder the full realization of this right.
The VOICES Campaign, undertaken in partnership with HEPS-Uganda, looks at the Ugandan government’s responsibility to register every person in the country and ensure that all citizens have National ID Numbers.
Widespread ignorance regarding human rights among citizens poses a significant
challenge. Without a comprehensive grasp of their rights, individuals are unable to
advocate for themselves effectively.
This campaign targets teenage pregnancies and SGBV by identifying key contributing factors, developing an evidence-based plan for three regions, and raising awareness about associated risks.
The World Health Organization says that over two million babies are stillborn each year, which has a big impact on parents and society. Trac FM, in partnership with the White Ribbon Alliance Uganda will support the iTech program by engaging various communities in Uganda and gather public opinion data on possible uptake, reservations, and preconceptions related to stillbirth.
Trac FM is partnering with Health Equity and Policy Research (HEPS) to conduct interactive radio talk shows in Uganda aimed at dispelling myths and misconceptions surrounding COVID-19 testing and treatment, as well as increasing uptake of COVID-19 testing services in the country.