WASH FIRST Program in Bundibugyo district

Today, the world continues to grapple with the coronavirus disease also known as COVID-19 and its impact on many, including children and women. Non-Governmental Organizations and other civil society actors have launched a flash appeal to compliment government efforts to fight the disease as well as mitigate its impact. The interventions under this project in Bundibugyo district will involve Hygiene promotion activities targeting households, collective vulnerable sites and public spaces. These interventions will be anchored on Risk Communication and Community Engagement Strategies for COVID 19. Focus will be placed on awareness raising of the community members on reducing exposure to the disease at home and in communities. 

Wottazela 7.0 raised awareness In Bundibugyo district on reducing exposure to COVID-19 at home and in communities.

The main objectives of this program are;
  •  Enhanced understanding of individuals, communities, health workers, schools and WASH service providers about mitigation measures against COVID-19 transmission
  • Population at risk of COVID-19 have sufficient and constant access to commodities and consumables (i.e. (hand) washing facilities, disinfection equipment, soap, hygiene kits (including menstrual health products), and personal protective equipment (PPEs)
  • Population at risk of COVID-19 have safe (considering safeguarding and security) access to Water and Sanitation services through the construction of new and repair of non-functional water and sanitation facilities or through temporary/mobile - supplies/services

Final Report:

Polls part of this campaign: