Thematic area: Freedom of Expression, Association, and Assembly  | Period; August 2024 - Jan 2025 | Partners; Chapter Four Uganda

Freedom of expression is vital for democratic governance, allowing individuals to express ideas and hold their government accountable. It includes the right to seek, receive, and share information, essential for informed citizen participation. While Uganda’s 1995 Constitution guarantees this right under Article 29, along with international instruments like the UDHR and ICCPR, practical challenges remain.

TRAC FM is partnering with Chapter Four Uganda to address these challenges. This campaign will bridge the gap between legal guarantees and real-world implementation, amplifying community voices and fostering dialogue on freedom of expression, assembly, and association, leading to more effective advocacy and policy development.

Introduction to the Sauti Stream Campaign

The Sauti Stream is an interactive radio campaign which aims to collect citizen’s views and foster debate on the topic of human rights. The campaign also enables citizens to understand their rights and responsibilities, to analyze and evaluate public issues, and to use their knowledge and skills to influence positive change. These civic practices are foundational to a thriving democracy. 

Leveraging radio and SMS technology, to which 87% and 74% of Ugandans have access, the Sauti Stream reaches up to 27 million Ugandans through 10 local-language partner stations. Over 15,000 responses are collected for each poll, which are then analyzed on topical radio talk shows and shared with advocacy and CSO partners