Despite all efforts, getting access to clean, piped water is still a challenge for many Ugandans. In large parts of the countries rely on hand-pumps, shallow wells, or natural sources such as rivers, springs, and swamps. The Water and Sanitation Development Facility North (WSDF-N) is trying to change this by developing piped water schemes and educating people about related issues such as maintenance and sanitation in Northern Uganda.
Wottazela 2.0
Click here for an overview of all the Wottazela 2.0 polls
Wottazela water projects
In September 2014, TRAC FM worked with Radio Wa and the Northern Umbrella of Water and Sanitation (nUws) for the first Wottazela project that gathered feedback on piped water schemes in the Lango sub-region. The project was an overwhelming success. It was identified by the Young Expert Program Water (YEP) as an innovative trend within the water sector with a lot of potential around the world. Meanwhile, nUws staff in Lira report a positive influence in their daily work because of the exposure the program created and the results themselves have translated into concrete measures in their approach to different communities.
Click here to read more about the original Wottazela project.