In Uganda, over 80% of the population is employed in Agriculture. The majority of the people in rural areas own land. However, it is heartbreaking to find some families, especially the widows and child-headed families who cannot efficiently farm their land because they lack the seeds to plant. Another restraint to their development is a lack of knowledge and technology to better their lot.

The National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) is a government supported initiative to eradicate poverty in Uganda by increasing farmers’ access to information, knowledge and technology for profitable agricultural development. However, due to a failure to realize its objectives for numerous reasons, NAADS has recently been taken over by the Ugandan army.

Please study the various polls we have run on agriculture in Uganda.

Polls part of this campaign:
What do you think is the main reason for bad performance in the NAADS program?

How do you rate the impact of the Naads program in the district where you live?
