Addressing Uganda's transparency and accountability Challenges

Uganda faces numerous T&A challenges, including limited access and re-use of public sector information, opaqueness in government operations, multiple fragmented actors, and lack of technical skills and capacity for demand and supply of data for T&A, among others. 

Raising awareness of Fall armyworm among Farmers in Uganda

TRAC FM partnered with the Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries to raise awareness of and sensitize farmers on how to detect and control the Fall armyworm (FAW) among farmers in Central Uganda – with a specific focus on Mubende, Mityana and Kiboga districts.

What should be done to restore the forest cover in Uganda?

Uganda’s forest cover is in danger due to the concerning rate at which trees are being cut down by individuals as well as national and international corporations. There have been some efforts to try and restore Uganda’s forests. However, more needs to be done to ensure that these efforts do not go to waste. Trac FM asked radio listeners what they think should be done to restore the forest cover in Uganda. We received over 3,000 responses.

The Biggest Barriers Deterring Agroforestry Practice

Agroforestry is one of the solutions to the problem of deforestation. However, majority of Ugandans are yet to implement agroforestry practices. Trac FM asked radio listeners to tell us what barriers they face that deter them from practicing agroforestry. We received over 2000 responses that shed a light on this issue. This is our second poll question in partnership with Environmental Alert.

Why are trees important to you?

As part of our Common Matters Program, Trac FM and Environmental Alert are running a campaign that will promote agroforestry as a solution to deforestation. Our first poll question asked radio listeners to tell us why they believe trees are important to them. With 3,325 responses, 54% said that trees are important to them because they contribute to the rain formation.

Government-Aided Private Schools Implementing USE: What The Public Thinks

Since its introduction in  2007, several schools have benefited from government funds through USE. Private schools have generated mixed reactions for their decision to join the USE program. Trac FM in collaboration with ISER set out to figure out what the public really thinks by asking the following poll question:  What is your impression of government-aided private schools that are implementing USE?

How informed are you as a parent about the financial accountability at your child’s USE school?

In 2007, the Government of Uganda implemented the Universal Secondary Education (USE) program. Schools receive capitation grants of UGX 47,000 per student per term from the government for teaching and learning purposes.
Results 29-35 of 98