1. Welcome to TRAC FM Website
  2. TRAC FM Documentary
  3. The Sauti Stream Campaign
  4. No More Silence Campaign
  5. Serious Citizens Campaign
  6. Voices of Change
  7. Transitional Justice in Northern Uganda

The Power of Voices - Documentary

This documentary will show you what Trac FM is about at the grassroots level - where every voice has a story to tell. And where the combined voices make up the core of society. 

Voices of Nepal - "Samudayik Awaaz"

TRAC FM is reaching into Asia for the first time! We are excited to work with Simavi on a WASH and Covid-19 related campaign in two remote regions of Nepal. 

Voices of Change: The 2021 Elections in Uganda

The Voices of Change campaign brings on a national debate on citizens perspectives of democracy during the 2021 general elections in Uganda. Through an independent MEL activity TRAC FM will research how these radio programs affect citizens and communities.

Common Matters 2: Transitional Justice in Northern Uganda

The Transitional Justice (TJ) campaign coincides with the recent approval of the June 2019 National Transitional Justice Policy and focuses on a 10-year post-conflict period with the aim of facilitating public discussions and reflection on citizen’s experiences of the conflict, related responses, and gaps that still remain in government and civil society efforts to address the impact of the conflict. 

Common Matters 2: The Disability Rights Campaign

TRAC FM in partnership with the National Union of Persons with Disabilities in Uganda (NUDIPU) conducted a national campaign to drum up awareness on disability rights to promote equal opportunities for Persons With Disabilities in Uganda.

Common Matters 2: The Land Rights Campaign

Goal: Empower citizens by helping them to understand, respect and defend their land rights and be vigilant when they are challenged.

Compulsory land acquisition for public works: who will ensure that residents get fair and adequate compensation?

In 2017, President Yoweri embarked on nationwide radio campaign to sensitize the public about the need to amend Article 26 of the Constitution of Uganda to allow the government to take over private land for public works before compensating the owners. This proposal has been widely criticized as a violation of rights.
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